BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications

BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications

49,97 € / year

BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notification allows you to remove email notifications that are being sent to users based on BuddyBoss user profiles.

Refund Policy

All of our plugins have a 14 days 100% money-back guarantee. After 14 days, refunds may be approved on a case-by-case basis.



BuddyBoss is one of the best community plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. But it does not have the option to disable email notifications to some types of users. That can be resolved with the BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notification add-on.

How does BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications help you?

With BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications you will be able to select user profiles for which any email notifications should not be sent. And the plugin will prevent those emails from being sent to the users. This can be applied to scenarios in which some inactive users are being added to a Profile Type or the users that stopped paying their subscription. It can also be applied to scenarios in which some customers do not wish to receive mention notifications or any kind of other notifications.


  • BuddyBoss
  • PHP 8.0 (or above)
  • WordPress 5.2 (or above)


1 – Go to your WordPress dashboard, hover over ‘Plugins‘ and click on ‘Add NewAdd New Plugin 2 – Click on ‘Upload PluginUpload plugin button in WordPress 3 – Click ‘Choose file‘ and select the ZIP archive you got after checkout and click on ‘Install Now’ Install Now button 4 – Click on ‘ActivateActivate Plugin button


1 – Go to your WordPress dashboard, hover over ‘Tools‘ click on ‘BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notification BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notification menu item BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications - Select profile types 3 – Click on ‘SubmitBuddyBoss Remove Guest Notifications - Submit button

Support and Updates

Support and Updates are provided based on the yearly subscription. As long as the subscription is active you will be able to send support tickets from your Account page. Please make sure you select BuddyBoss Remove Guest Notification when filling out the support form. If you cannot access your account page, please contact me.

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